Geographic Information System

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are (computer) information systems for acquiring, storing, analyzing, and visualizing data that have a spatial relationship to the Earth’s surface (geodata).

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When acquiring data for GIS, either new surveys are conducted or existing geographic data from previous surveys are reworked. For building GIS, the most suitable input data are construction plans, and if available, surveys for property declaration or updated building project documentation can be utilized. For mapping GIS, data acquisition can involve either existing map works (cadastral maps, plant maps) that can be digitized, or new purpose-specific mapping using ground-based, photogrammetric, or combined methods. High-quality orthophoto maps can also be used as supplementary data for GIS.

When storing (reworking) geodata in GIS, two distinct approaches to data formats are distinguished. The simpler option is managing geodata in raster format. In this case, data is unified into thematic maps and transformed into a consistent coordinate system. However, the data itself cannot be analyzed or edited. The second and more complex option is vector-based storage of geodata, which preserves attribute properties. Vector data in GIS are organized and stored using various vector models that ensure topological management at different levels. Digitization is required when converting original raster data (paper maps, plans) into vector format.

For geodata analysis in GIS, their storage in vector format is necessary. Data analysis is performed in comprehensive GIS systems, where geodata is stored in geodatabases, and user interfaces enable spatial querying. Advanced GIS systems allow for automated creation of new geodata or modification of existing ones.

Visualization of geodata is achieved using map servers, which commonly employ one of the standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as the output format. All stored geodata can be visualized using the Web Map Service (WMS), where the map server generates seamless raster maps for any scale. This service can be complemented with attribute querying tools. For advanced GIS systems and full map interactivity, the Web Feature Service (WFS) is used, where the map server generates seamless vector maps in GML format.

Building GIS serves not only to improve property management but also as a valuable addition to other information systems, particularly enhancing their navigation and orientation components. Existing or new construction plans are best used as the base map. GIS is customized for room management and asset management within rooms, such as furniture inventory and equipment documentation (electrical connections, etc.). GIS becomes a powerful tool, especially when integrated with other information systems.

Mapping GIS is used for overview, orientation, and tracking of specific phenomena. It is deployed for diverse applications, ranging from industrial plant mapping (property management, monitoring production technologies), purpose-specific municipality mapping (land-use planning, technical maps), to visualizing extensive constructions (new housing developments, highway construction).

Raster vizualization

For its easy implementation, it utilizes a full-fledged presentation and viewing of geodata. In this visualization, a controllable seamless raster map is generated, which can be displayed in commonly available web browsers. When supplemented with querying tools, the raster map becomes interactive, allowing it to be linked with other information systems through them.

Vector vizualization

It is used in more demanding applications. Its main advantage lies in full interactivity and secondary editability of geodata.

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3D skenování je geodetická činnost, při které se u libovolných objektů zjišťuje jejich skutečný tvar, rozměr a umístění.



Poskytujeme komplexní geodetické služby v oblasti bytové výstavby, průmyslových a dopravních staveb.



Naše specializované oddělení zajišťuje vyhotovení veškerých druhů Geometrických plánů, které jsou zapotřebí pro Vklad práva do Katastru nemovitostí.



Mapování je technika a věda, jak přesně určovat pozemskou nebo trojrozměrnou prostorovou pozici bodů a vzdáleností a úhly mezi nimi.



Geografické Informační Systémy jsou (počítačové) informační systémy pro získávání, ukládání, analýzu a vizualizaci dat, která mají prostorový vztah k povrchu Země.



Fotogrammetrie se zabývá rekonstrukcí tvarů, měřením rozměrů a určováním polohy předmětů, které jsou zobrazeny na fotografických snímcích.



Pozemkovými úpravami  se ve veřejném zájmu prostorově a funkčně uspořádávají pozemky, scelují se nebo dělí a zabezpečuje se jimi přístupnost a využití pozemků a vyrovnání jejich hranic tak, aby se vytvořily podmínky pro racionální hospodaření vlastníků půdy.



Dlouhodobě se věnujeme spolupráci se stavebními a projekčními firmami, které působí na trhu výstavby sportovišť.



Specializujeme se také na poradenství.


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